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Table Fellowship

Sunday Worship

Table Fellowship: A Transformative Sunday Worship Gathering in Our Home

There's something magical about gathering around a table to worship on a Sunday morning. At Table Fellowship, our home is more than just walls and furniture - it becomes a sanctuary where souls are nourished and hearts are transformed.
Our intention goes beyond the conventional notions of religious spaces. We believe that anyone can experience the divine in the comfort of a warm and welcoming home. As guests step into our abode, they are embraced by a sense of belonging, knowing that they have entered a sacred space where authentic connection awaits.
The table itself serves as a centerpiece, a symbol of unity and coming together. It is not merely a surface to hold our physical sustenance but a conduit for spiritual nourishment, where stories are shared, laughter resonates, and tears are shed. Each piece of cutlery, each plate, and each napkin act as a reminder of the abundant grace and blessings we are fortunate to receive.